People that played go at the club in 2013
Sid, Joe, Robert, Dylan, Hongguang, Masayuki, Troy, Kiyo, Yong, Sejin, Roberto, Patrick, Cameron, Shane, Jonathan, Satomaru, Yuunosuke, Ashley, Cameron, Kent, Naoko, Carty, Christopher, Cary, Kupuno, Matthew, Jarrett, John, CT, Sarah, Caroline, Ryan
Meeting Places
Opened 2013 continuing to play at the entrance of Hamilton Library at the University of Hawaii.
In June 2013 the club started to play at 99 Market in Mapunapuna and Hawaii Kiin on alternate weeks. Then in November 2013 we made a complete switch to Hawaii Kiin at Palolo.
Professional Visit
May 3 - 13, 2013 - Narumi Osawa 4P visits Go club.
November 7, 2013 - University of Hawaii Japan Culture Day - Introduced students to game of Go and played 9x9 games with them. Participated in this event since 2012.
Check out our facebook page for pictures of our weekly meetings. facebook.com/honolulu.goclub
Narumi Osawa 4P
Winner of
1999 Women's Kakusei Tournament
2003 Women's Kakusei Tournament
2005 Women's Lightning Go Tournament