Honolulu Go Club

(IGO 囲碁, BADUK 바둑, WEIQI 围棋)

What:     Honolulu Go Club (Casual games)

Where:   email for location  (honolulugoclub@gmail.com)

When:    Every Saturday 1:00 pm to 5:00pm

Who:      Beginners, Long time players  

                (our youngest are some elementary school students and              oldest are some retired people)

Misc:      We especially welcome beginners.  Free lessons for         beginners.  Learn by playing other beginners.

Newsletter:  Email if you want to receive a copy, sent irregularly

Questions?  honolulugoclub@gmail.com

Professional 9 Dan Korean Go player, Myungwan Kim attends our meetings every week to provide free lectures, game reviews and simultaneous games at 4:00pm.

Join our Discord server.

Honolulu Go Club on Discord

Join us on OGS.

             in the "Honolulu Go Club NEW" group  OGS 

See our meeting place and meet our members.

                        Honolulu Go Club on  Youtube

Check out our Facebook page and friend us.

                        Honolulu Go Club on Facebook

Check the Go club link for other Go clubs in Hawaii.


**Hawaii Governor Green's proclamation declaring July 2024 the "Month of Go"**
